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The Thai Kitchen Type Study

The following exercise explores layout with text with examining its emotional meaning and read ability on the page.

Section I / 6 quadrant layouts with one font

Section II / Repeating the 6 quadrants with two fonts and different scales

Section III / Utilizing Line and stroke

Section IV / Conveying layout through illustration

Section V / Exploration and Discovery

STEP I / 6 quadrant layouts with one font

At one point there were over 700 pages with different layouts for these first two sections.

Final Layout Count

52 pgs.


Label / First Layouts

Above is the label, and directly below the text has been laid out with a hierarchy of importance. This project teaches emotional detachment from the text and emphasis layout.



STEP II / Repeating the 6 quadrants with two fonts and different scales

At one point there were over 700 pages with different layouts for these first two sections.

Final Layout Count

103 pgs.


STEP III / Utilizing Line and stroke

Adding the marks and blotches felt like such a relief coming from my fine art background. I finally had form to work with.

Final Layout Count

89 pgs.


STEP IV / Conveying layout through illustration

Many of the below illustrations are based off of Thai legends of ghost and ghouls.

Final Layout Count

20 pgs.


STEP V / Exploration and Discovery

This section took an orginal page and applied deconstructive graphic methods to the design. Printing, cutting, rearrange, scan, repeat. Some Photoshop was used to move the design into the fully abstracted realm.

Final Layout Count

16 pgs.



Here are some photos of the book completed. The large stack of papers are the first two sections I had mentioned with over 700 layouts. All sections were heavily edited down to display only the best of each section.



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Jose Cuervo

Branding for Jose Cuervo’s annual Reserva de la Familia bottle.