Design + Art Direction
Within this role I was tasked with updating their packaging graphics and design. There is a strong focus on 3D and I wanted to work with them to develop a body of 3D models that their saw blades would look great with. Things they can use for video spots, large format print and micro photography. This project was big, but focused on the small things.

Industial Table Saw
This is the first of many saws I made while working with Diablo. All of these were created either from having a saw sitting next to me or a series of reference photos to discover the best forms that represent this saw’s standard design.

Baliegh Corded Saw + Animation
This saw presented an interesting issue, as they are rarely seen online shot from the backside. The animation was fascinating to work on because it uses dynamics to actually cut the wood.

For these saw blades it was important to create a wide variety of materials for the packaging. Below is the full span of materials. Although there were some select ones that presented a different challenge.