Mikes HARDER : Tiger Blood Can Designs
This is the 6th years of their seasonal flavor and open can contest.
The cans I designed all speak to a different tone, but still maintain the brand image. There is a wide variety of styles, this does a pretty good job of showing the diversity I can bring to a project and illustrations.
This first one is not featured in the above image, but it represents the 10th design. This one is the closest to the M.King rendering
style I was original approached for this project to do.
This can really hones in on the tone of the brand.I wanted to design a can that was instantly recognizable for the ingredients and and the tiger from a far. To many of the designs require the viewer to really get up close to see what is going on in the scene. This is bold and in your face just like Mikes HARDER.
This one I have decided to name Tiger Mind Blown, because it’s as extreme and over the top and you can get with a tiger hanging out
with a watermelon , some strawberries, and those darn coconuts. They were super hard to place in just about every can.
Meet Saddy Tiger. The contest is aimed at 21 -29 year old males.However I don’t know to men guys who get excited when you show up with a six pack of Mike’s. However….women in this age range are much more likely to try this new flavor.
Thai influenced Tiger design. Or Yugi-OH….I think it gets theidea of movement and excitement going, and this was such a unique design for the characters head I couldn’t pass it up.
Tut Tiger was a fun break to take on from the more traditionallyillustrated cans I had been created. It’s got the feeling of paper art and gave me the chance to work with some gradients. Again this one works because it is visiable from a distance, you get that it is a Tiger and a little funky.
This tiger design is based on traditional Japanese depictions of tigers, it also combines flash art motifs that channel the contained flavors
This is the classic tale of the big jungle cat who is taken down by a splinter, it takes the courage of a small mouse to free him.This has such a different tone than the rest of the submissions,which compared to the other 150 submissions… is much needed.
You can’t use someones face for a can if they don’t approve it….but my gosh, The Sheen coined this term! He is the reason for this drink, and it wouldn’t even be in the public’s psyche!