The following video and media was created while contracted with IMG Live, the main client was DirecTV. These are training videos for their sales force. These videos go one of two ways, either they are a continuation of the brand standards set by the companies previous marketing material, or in some cases IMG Live concepted a look and direction which I executed. These videos represent work done at a breakneck speed, often times being completed in 3-4 days.
The Fantasy Zone assignment was a nice change of pace. I have always had an interest in Sports Graphics. Re-creating the themes used for this brand was a simple enough. They often use 3D abstractions for their backgrounds. I was on a time restraint and instead created the background plate in about 45 minutes within photoshop. It has the same look and feel, but ultimately ended up being a faster route.

Background Reference
This was the plate used as reference to re-create the elements from their branding.

Background Image
Created in Photoshop in about 45 minutes. Designed to move and work as 3D layers within after effects. Since I knew how the shot should work with just a zoom and construction this worked to emulate the Fantasy Zone’s abstract imagery.

Transition Graphics
Several transitions were created for this piece, this is an example of one of them. Though only on the screen for 14 frames these served to continue the branding for Fantasy Zone.
This is the most simplistic design theme of the work created, however sometimes companies don’t need the screen to rotate and evolve with dizzying frenzy. Sometimes it’s about getting the information to the audience, while still having engaging motion design.
The DirecTV Sports Pack was a really exciting one to work on. They had a previous style for the videos already developed, and I got to come in and up-the-ante in the way the text and information was displayed. This one has a very info-graphic feel to it, and I really like the textured feel.
This Live Learning Module was one of the most extensive projects I did with IMG Live, there are several very long videos talking about compliance and how to hold onto a customer who wants to leave their service. These videos are normally boring, but IMG Live was bold enough to sell a 60’s game show theme for this series. It might not have been my first choice style-wise, but I think it certainly conveys necessary information in an exciting and different way.

Mood Board
The game show style is all about lights, gradients and making things feel exciting. This mood board was provided to me and I began cracking on the elements.

Main Screen
This is the screen the video returns to as another chapter begins.
Screen Right
Sample of button styles and how this style layout was manipulated for a variety of screens.

So do you think I can make a training video yet? These two and a third (very similar) were created in four days. This was all about creating a series of backgrounds, text animation style and transitions that could be re-worked for each composition.